Tag Archives: Justice Centre for Rights and Freedoms

Your Freedom is hanging in the balance! Slavery is at your door!

Governments around the world, especially in Canada, have gone Covid-bat crazy, ignoring established constitutional/charter rights, issuing dictates like vaccine passports that are all aimed at pressuring  us to give up all sorts of freedoms including our right to bodily autonomy. And what is bodily autonomy? —that quality or state of being self-governing. In other words: my body my choice when it comes to medical treatments.

But through their “mandates,” despite denials, governments are in effect reducing us to a state of slavery. They issue dictates and we must comply or else! Throughout history slaves were deprived of their freedom. They had no right to make their own decisions about even their own body since they belonged to the master. And the master could coerce his slaves in any way he wanted. A slave is never asked for his or her freely given consent.

While Covid has been a deadly threat to certain elderly populations with serious health problems and impaired immune systems, it is however an extremely small risk to others. Less than 0.071 percent of the Canadian population has succumbed to the disease. That’s not even 1/10 of 1 percent! And yet this is supposed to be a pandemic? The Bubonic Plague a.k.a the Black Death that struck Europe in 1347 to 1353 killed an estimated 30% to 60% of the population—not less than 1/10 of 1 percent! 

The overwhelming majority of people have sufficiently healthy immune systems that allow them to beat the virus and recover without hospital care or ill effects. Nevertheless, governments are refusing to recognize that the people who have had a Covid infection have been gifted with a naturally acquired immunity—which may be stronger and longer-lasting than that conferred by vaccination!

While I am unaware of any government in the Western world that is now forcibly apprehending their vaccine hesitant citizens and holding them down in order to forcibly inject them with this experimental gene therapy, they are doing the next best thing. Governments are threatening unvaccinated people with the loss of their livelihood, the loss of their mobility, and the loss of their being able to fully participate in society. In essence, many Western governments have decided to create a two-tier social system, a sort of medical aparteid in which a compliant class is favoured by the State with perks while an unfavoured class is discriminated against and punished for having “wrong think.” The scapegoating of minorities has a long sordid history, and the unvaccinated are increasingly being reviled by politicians and the media as ignorant and selfish. Such scapegoating and punishment of those not eagerly embracing government dictates brings back memories to me of my experience behind the Iron Curtain in Communist Hungary in 1973. 

But now I wake up in the Canada of 2021 and discover many government and related entities have issued so-called mandates—really just dictatorial orders—to force people to be injected with an experimental gene therapy that is demonstrably causing an absolutely unprecedented amount of adverse reactions involving death and permanent disability when compared to the data about all the other vaccines over the last 30 years.  Employees who refuse to comply with employers’  mandates are being put on unpaid leave. In Canada unpaid leave means that your employer has tossed you out of work without paying severance, while at the same time depriving you of your ability to file for unemployment insurance payments. In essence, these pernicious Canadian employers are creating a financial crisis for those who do not wish to comply to the State’s orders.

This is straight-forward persecution for those whose religious faith or personal conscience tells them not to consent to the government’s heavy-handed vaccine “mandates.” The only response is prayer, heroic endurance, and resistance. If you’re in Canada check out the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms. They can use your help to help fund the various law suits they’ve filed to ask the courts for relief from the federal and provincial governments overweening attacks on our Charter rights (www.jccf.ca). To understand the spiritual battle that’s going on and to find encouragement, I suggest you check out the Judeo-Christian Foundation at http://judeochristianfoundation.org/ or http://cogwebcast.com/  A time may be coming of a famine of the Word, but it is not yet.



Do you trust your leaders to care for you?

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms requires our governments here in Canada to demonstrate with evidence that restrictions on our freedom to move, travel, associate, assemble, and worship are “demonstrably justified.” The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms asked the provincial and federal governments of Canada for just such a cost/benefit justification analysis, but this NGO has been ignored. Perhaps our government leaders don’t think the deaths arising from cancelled surgeries, delayed medical diagnostics, increased suicides and drug overdoses, deteriorating mental health, unemployment, soaring public debt—caused by their COVID public policies— are worthy of their consideration because they’re off-narrative. However a charitable non-government organization called the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF.ca) has posted online just such a cost/benefit analysis—called Flying Blind—of the resultant harms and deaths arising from our government’s coercive COVID policies.

The results might shock you. Did you know that:

  • Deaths from all causes in Canada for the first 8 months of 2020 actually declined from those recorded in 2019 over the same time period?
  • Canadian governments attributed 10,295 fewer deaths due to cancer, heart diseases, lung diseases, stroke, pneumonia and influenza, while attributing 8,795 deaths to COVID during the same time period
  • At least 200,000 Canadians suffered the cancellation of their scheduled surgeries, including breast cancer surgery, due to lockdown measures.
  • At least 500,000 Canadians did not receive timely diagnostic procedures such as MRIs and CT scans for cancer and other deadly diseases.
  • As many as 18,000 Canadians have died or will die prematurely of cancer this year because their diagnosis or cancer treatment was delayed by lockdowns?
  • Or that unemployment and despair caused by lockdowns will likely increase Canada’s suicide rate by 17%—increasing deaths by suicide by about 680 people?
  • When the province of British Columbia’s final statistics are posted for 2020, we’ll probably see that more people died this year from opioid overdoses than COVID-19!
  • And what about the lower standard of living our younger generations will experience due to soaring public debt?

Politicians like Premier Doug Ford of Ontario tell Canadians not to travel. And yet hypocritically we discover that Ford’s Finance Minister Rod Phillips went to St. Barts in the Caribbean to soak up the sun for the winter holidays.  Those who have forced on us their ill-conceived public policies around COVID are flying blind and often they are flying hypocritically. They are not heroes. When it comes to leadership, they are not following the servant-leadership example set by Jesus Christ.

Jesus said to His disciples, “In this world the kings and great men lord it over their people, yet they are called [ironically] “benefactors,” that is ‘friends of the people.’ But among you it will be different. Those who are the greatest among you should take the lowest rank, and the leader should be like a servant. 27 Who is more important, the one who sits at the table or the one who serves? The one who sits at the table, of course. But not here! For I am among you as one who serves. Luke 22:25-27 (NLT).



